Wedding Pictures

This is a beautful picture of Angelina and I. I love this picture.

All of us girls and Doran (Chris's dad)

Kristine and I

Nicole and I I love this picture
It's been forever friends!
Hi everyone,
I know it has been forever, but I had no idea what to write about. Then I was reading Vanessa's blog and I had a response and it turned into a nice little letter so here it is...
In response to Vaness'a "Why?" post:
I am also blessed, but I have faced (and still face) many of the hard things you mention. I have lost a sibling to suicide, and all of my grandparents to very bad illnesses, but one. My parents are divorced, and I was forced to grow up very quickly; my Step-dad hates my dad and makes all family events super fun (way sarcastic here.) I have many health problems some of which may cause me to never be able to have children, I also never had to worry about bombs, but I had a father (and now brother) in the US NAVY so military events were always very real to me.
But through all of this I know also that I am blessed. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and takes great care of me when I am sick, when I have to go to the hospital. He knows and understands the risks involved with me having children and loves the fact that there are so many other options for us to have children. I have a wonderful step mom who came into my life and gave me back part of my childhood and tough me how to be a loving wife and someday a mother. I have been blessed with an education and a job for the future. I have a dad and a brother who are willing to risk their skinny little necks for our safety, and the future of our children.
So my point: even if it looks like my life was hard, I am still blessed. I would not have considered it hard; there are so many people out there who have it worse then me. And maybe that is the point, to find those people and love them. Truly love them, because when we do we are showing them what God’s love looks like. And if by loving one person, they find the truth then, I have truly lived a great life.
more random thoughts...
My life is crazy rate now. Do you ever wonder where the time went? I mean just last week it seams like we were in HS being dumb. Now yeah not so much.
I am ready to have a nervous break down.
I found out that if we can’t get some of our members to step up and volunteer, then I may have to be a presenter. Um yeah pretty sure I really, really don’t want to do that. It is like a huge presentation in front of like 15-20 top heads of fortune 500 companies. Yeah scary! I mean it is a huge opportunity to better my self but I am scared! You wanna know how extreme we are talking about you can click on the link and see more. random thought... One of my really good friends is really sick. It makes me sad. I wanna cry when I think about it. But there is a positive side to it! She has been sick sense the beginning of the year and they have done lots of tests, and I mean lots, any way they did a Lyme test on her and it came back on the border of positive and negative. SO this is a good thing cause now they have a direction to go in. (and this is a good thing when you do not have any idea for months on end) Any way if you all could keep her in your prayers that would be awesome of you!
Hum lets see what else? Oh yeah!!! I am going skiing this weekend!! I am super excited for this!! We are going out to the black hills (over by Mt. Rushmore.) They have so much snow rate now!! Oh so fun I am going to try and not brake anything. So don’t worry. I have also bought a few books to bring with me so I can read if I get to cold. ;)
So our schools president has a blog?! Isn’t that crazy. It is kind of cool but strange at the same time. But he even shows all the comments I am kind of surprised.
Ok well that is all for my random rant. Hope you all have a great 3 day weekend!
More Info
Ok so I guess I need to add more information about my wedding.
We have set a date August 5th 2006!! I am so excited.
I will be in San Diego for my spring break that will be March 4th -March 12th. I believe we are having a shower sometime that week. (Nicole is planning it) So some of you should plan on an invite for that. Hummm... I am going to need some mailing addies. If everyone could can you e-mail me your address. (I will not put it here cause if you know me you have my e-mail address) ;)
We will be getting married in Mitchell, SD. It is going to be a more casual wedding. (only Chris and Jeffrey in Tuxes) and the girls are going to be so pretty (if we can ever decide on a dress)
Well what else is knew with me...
I am back in school. And I hate 8am classes for the record, but what do you do? Oh well. I am only taking 14 credits so I can't complain too much...
I am still active in SIFE and am excited for our up competition in March. If we get our ducks in a row we have a good chance of placing at regional and making it to nationals. So that is exciting!
Well I don't think there is anything else new in my life and it is late so I should go. I love you all lots!!
Great, exciting news!
Guess what?! I am getting Married! YEP ME! Ok, ok I know details that is what everyone wants; to who, when, where, and most of all how did he ask you? That is all I have heard sense we announced it. But it is ok I love it, so much fun but lots of stress so here are all the answers I have so far.
Who?: Well hopefully you all know about Chris ( I have pictures of us posted previously) He is a great guy and I obviously love him lots and lots. He works at a bank in SF for there computer department in the security side, (please don't ask what he does cause I still have no clue but he loves it) any way he will finish his masters in may in Information Security, and he has a bachelors in Math and Computer science. (I know kind of geeky but he gets along with dad ;) )
When?: We are look at the first or second weekend in August. (Hope and pray we can find a location!)
Where?: Up here in the big old state of South Dakota! Basically it is easer (and cheaper) this way.
Ok so now the part most people wanna know how did he ask me...
It happened Friday morning about 6:45 am! Yea early, I know! Any way Chris had stayed the night at my parents house (here in South Dakota) for the night on Thursday because of snow and Ice. On Friday morning he got up and got ready for work as normal. He went out to start his car and locked him self out of the house. So he called me on my cell phone to have me come let him into the house so he could get the rest of his stuff. So he had it all planed out I would come to the door he would have the ring out it would be all pretty cause it was snowing lightly, but I ruined it. I did not come all the way to the door. I simply leaned into the entry way and opened it a little and walked back into the kitchen (keep in mind the time!) so I was going to give him a kiss and say goodbye in the kitchen but he said he needed to send an e-mail could he use my computer. So we went down to my room I crawled back into be and was going to go back to sleep. After Chris sent his e-mail he crawled up next to me and laid there for a min. then out of the blue he was all will you marry me? I was so confused I was all are you kidding you are asking me now? Are you for real? It was funny then I realized he was dead serious! And he was holding something! he slipped my true love waits ring off my finger and placed on the most pretty diamond solitary I have ever seen so pretty. and of curse I said heck yes!
Snow days!!
Yea we had a snow day today! Yea! As you know from my earlier post we were expecting some rotten weather. And boy did we get it. School was not canceled but Bill and I did not go in it is way too dangerous to be driving and if we were to get into town this morning we would not have been able to get out this afternoon. We are expected to get up to 12 inches of snow today and tonight. So excited! I will attach some pictures of what it looks like.
Love you all!

Here is a picture of what we are expecting, as you can see most of the state is in the white. I am nort of Sioux Falls an hour (so 3 counties or squaires)

here is a picture from Mitchell this is why Chris wanted to leave so sudenly. Only it was doing this to the cars also. A bit scarry.
My Thanksgiving
My Thanksgiving,
So my weekend was busy but relaxed if that makes any sense…
I will start at the beginning. We only have Thursday and Friday for our break, so Chris and I went to Mitchell (his home) on Wednesday night after he got off work. Then Thursday morning we went over to his Aunt and Uncle’s house and had a thanksgiving lunch with them then we watched all the football games it was nice and relaxing. Later that evening we drove back to Madison (where my I live) so that we could have dinner with my family on Friday.
Friday morning mom got up and put in a huge turkey and stuffing. UMMM so good! Bill bravely went to town to go to Radio Shack to get a few Christmas presents that were on sale ( I think he is nuts! It is bad up here because there is not that many places to go compared to CA. But he did ok.) On his way home he picked up his mother form the local nursing home. Ashley and Chad (my sis and her BF) came also. About 3:00 everyone got here so just so we are all on the same page it is mom, Bill, Ashley, Chad, Chris, Nanna, and I, so seven in total. It was a blast and we still have so much food left!! Umm I love food!!
So after we helped clean up and I packed up my stuff Chris and I got back into the car and headed back to Mitchell about 7:30. (it only takes an hour) Cause after all Saturday starts deer season.
So on Saturday the guys (Chris and his dad Doran) got up about 5 am. Got all bundled up and went to a buddies farm to hunt.
While they did that I slept till about 8:30 got up and showered and bumbed around the house with Kathy (Chris’s mom.) About 11:30 Patty (Kathy’s sis) came over and the three of us went out to lunch to Chinese! Yummy! After that we went to downtown Mitchell (it is not that big but every town up here has a downtown area.) We went into a few fun shop that had a lot of Christmas decorations. Then we went down to the fabric store and got some material for a blanket for me (it will be my Christmas gift from Chris’s family.) Kathy is a seamstress so she can make anything; I am so excited to see the blanket! After we were done wondering around downtown we want back home and watched a great girly Christmas movie Kathy had recorded last year from TV. As we sat there we worked on a tie blanket Kathy has been putting off, we got it done in no time she cut and I tied super easy. After that we cooked a nice warm meal for the guys and I got a bunch of recipes from her. It was a nice relaxing evening. (Oh yea the guys got one deer that day)
Sunday was to be much the same except the weather changed all that. Chris called me at about 11 and told me to make sure all my stuff was ready to go because they were on there way home and we were leaving the weather was to bad. I was bumbed Kathy and I had just started making cookies Yummy they are so good. Oh well though. (Oh yea they got 2 Sunday)
So we left and the roads in Mitchell were so bad and still are. We made back to Madison fine though.
So that was my thanksgiving I hope all of yours was just peachy! I love you all!
I won an iPod mini!!!!!!
Hey everyone!
I won an ipod Mini from school I am so excited! it is a 4GB but I am not sure what color but who cares it is free! All I did was fill out a survay about what I though about our dinning service on campus. I am so excited! Wow it is crazy. So excited. Ok I will post more later. Love you all.