Snow days!!
Yea we had a snow day today! Yea! As you know from my earlier post we were expecting some rotten weather. And boy did we get it. School was not canceled but Bill and I did not go in it is way too dangerous to be driving and if we were to get into town this morning we would not have been able to get out this afternoon. We are expected to get up to 12 inches of snow today and tonight. So excited! I will attach some pictures of what it looks like.
Love you all!

Here is a picture of what we are expecting, as you can see most of the state is in the white. I am nort of Sioux Falls an hour (so 3 counties or squaires)

here is a picture from Mitchell this is why Chris wanted to leave so sudenly. Only it was doing this to the cars also. A bit scarry.
My Thanksgiving
My Thanksgiving,
So my weekend was busy but relaxed if that makes any sense…
I will start at the beginning. We only have Thursday and Friday for our break, so Chris and I went to Mitchell (his home) on Wednesday night after he got off work. Then Thursday morning we went over to his Aunt and Uncle’s house and had a thanksgiving lunch with them then we watched all the football games it was nice and relaxing. Later that evening we drove back to Madison (where my I live) so that we could have dinner with my family on Friday.
Friday morning mom got up and put in a huge turkey and stuffing. UMMM so good! Bill bravely went to town to go to Radio Shack to get a few Christmas presents that were on sale ( I think he is nuts! It is bad up here because there is not that many places to go compared to CA. But he did ok.) On his way home he picked up his mother form the local nursing home. Ashley and Chad (my sis and her BF) came also. About 3:00 everyone got here so just so we are all on the same page it is mom, Bill, Ashley, Chad, Chris, Nanna, and I, so seven in total. It was a blast and we still have so much food left!! Umm I love food!!
So after we helped clean up and I packed up my stuff Chris and I got back into the car and headed back to Mitchell about 7:30. (it only takes an hour) Cause after all Saturday starts deer season.
So on Saturday the guys (Chris and his dad Doran) got up about 5 am. Got all bundled up and went to a buddies farm to hunt.
While they did that I slept till about 8:30 got up and showered and bumbed around the house with Kathy (Chris’s mom.) About 11:30 Patty (Kathy’s sis) came over and the three of us went out to lunch to Chinese! Yummy! After that we went to downtown Mitchell (it is not that big but every town up here has a downtown area.) We went into a few fun shop that had a lot of Christmas decorations. Then we went down to the fabric store and got some material for a blanket for me (it will be my Christmas gift from Chris’s family.) Kathy is a seamstress so she can make anything; I am so excited to see the blanket! After we were done wondering around downtown we want back home and watched a great girly Christmas movie Kathy had recorded last year from TV. As we sat there we worked on a tie blanket Kathy has been putting off, we got it done in no time she cut and I tied super easy. After that we cooked a nice warm meal for the guys and I got a bunch of recipes from her. It was a nice relaxing evening. (Oh yea the guys got one deer that day)
Sunday was to be much the same except the weather changed all that. Chris called me at about 11 and told me to make sure all my stuff was ready to go because they were on there way home and we were leaving the weather was to bad. I was bumbed Kathy and I had just started making cookies Yummy they are so good. Oh well though. (Oh yea they got 2 Sunday)
So we left and the roads in Mitchell were so bad and still are. We made back to Madison fine though.
So that was my thanksgiving I hope all of yours was just peachy! I love you all!
I won an iPod mini!!!!!!
Hey everyone!
I won an ipod Mini from school I am so excited! it is a 4GB but I am not sure what color but who cares it is free! All I did was fill out a survay about what I though about our dinning service on campus. I am so excited! Wow it is crazy. So excited. Ok I will post more later. Love you all.
So this weekend I had to go to a SIFE thing at another school where we learned all about the organization, and all the new judging criteria for the competitions this spring. It was a great experience! I learned so much. I am so proud of our group, we are so far ahead of some of the other groups, and it is amazing.
If you don’t know much about SIFE basically we take our business skills we are learning in the classroom and applying them to projects that better the community. We are currently working on 4 different projects with plans to start 2 others soon. We have 5 areas we have to hit on, including: Market Economics, Success skills, Entrepreneurship, Financial literacy, and Business Ethics. I would love to tell you more about the individual projects, but I can’t publish that information cause hello it is a competition. (wink wink)
I am also in the process of planning a lunch for our Board of Directory. The board is made up of about 20 members of the business community. We have a board so that this time of year we can present to them our projects and they can give us feedback, and possibly sponsor one of the projects. Then in the spring semester we use the BOD to practice our presentation.
I am so excited about how much I am learning and doing in this club. It feels so great to have a purpose for a club, so many of them the purpose is not clear or it is not changeling. I love that SIFE is making a difference.
Well I think that is all for now. Love you all lots!
Fall pictures
hey everyone!
Here are some fall picture Chris and I have taken the last few week. Hope you enjoy!

here is me So cute... He he

Chris and I out at the Local State park.

Arn't we so stiken cute?
Ok so if you would like to see more pictures of my life, I have them all in my Yahoo photo album. here is the link.
hope you all enjoy! Love you all!