I hate Gateway tablet PC'S!
So today I killed another hard drive in my tablet PC. THANK YOU GATEWAY YOU SUCK!
Anyway, I tried to check my e-mail this morning before I left home and my computer locked up, no big deal, happens all the time, so I held the power button to turn off the computer and just packed it up and figured I would worry about it later. (Bad Idea to turn it off!) It has not turned on sense. Well that is not entirely true, it did turn on, but I got a blue screen (if you don’t much about computers this is a VERY BAD thing) So I started over. I turned off the computer (again my holding the power button sense I could not do anything else.) then I tried to turn it back on, again I got another blue screen, by not my chem. Prof was lecturing so I pulled out a note book and took notes the old fashion way.
So two hours later I tried again, this time I got a black screen with a mouse, but that was it.
So now during my lunch I get to wonder over to the library and hope and pray that the guys at the help desk can fix what ever is wrong with my stupid tablet. Hopefully they can at least pull my files off my hard drive!
If they can’t fix it I lose everything, my pictures, my notes, homework, and music, all of it.
Oh Ok random subject change! Jeffrey can read! And he is going to be 5 soon! Anyone else feel old because of this?! I know I do! I was talking to Debbie last night and she was telling me about him reading, so she put him on speaker phone so he could read me his books he had to have read for school today! It was so cute! I wanted to cry!
Well that is all for Now I will let you know how it goes with the help desk.
Homecomming week
So this week has been fun. I love homecoming for one reason people are so funny to watch.
For SIFE we decided to enter a float in the parade. LOL it was a blast. We decide that our theme would be “She thinks my tractor is sexy” so we borrowed mom and Bill’s little john Deer mower for our float.
So Dave and Brandon (two of the other officers) and I went out to mom’s house to get the mover the boys thought they would be able to lift the mover into the back of the truck, Um it did not happen. It was funny to see them try though. So then we decided to go back into town to get the trailer (we borrowed it from a business in town.) So then we got back out to my house and the trailer is still connected to the truck but there is a pin and laver so that the front of the trailer can lift up so you can drive things onto it. Well the only problem is the front is to heavy so Brandon and I stood on the back to hold it down while Dave backed the mover up and then charged onto the trailer… funny thing is he had no idea how to put the break on so every time he took his foot off the gas he rolled backwards (the trailer is still at an angle with me standing on the end holding it up unknown to me) so I am hollering to Dave to stop and Brandon is hollering to me to jump off, and Dave is laughing so hard he can’t do anything. We eventually get the trailer down and do not drive off the end. It was great fun, and so funny we laughed the whole way back to town.
So on Thursday we went over to Dave’s house and decorated the rest of the trailer. Basically all we did was add a few bales of hay to the sides and paint SIFE on some boxes.
Saturday we set up the rest of our float. We borrowed a truck form the local car dealership in town and hooked up our float. We took yellow window paint and wrote out our theme on the back window and down the side of the truck, and SIFE across the front windshield and side windows.
Then on Saturday afternoon Chris and I had a wedding to go to in a town about an hour away. It was a lot of fun but a little different. They have this tradition up here that after the dinner the groomsmen “steal” the bride and take her to one of the bars for drinks and the bridesmaids do the same with the groom for about a half an hour. While they are gone everyone helps clean up from dinner and they set up for a dance that goes way into the night. It was a lot of fun, and a neat experience. (Although I am not sure about the drinking I would have to have soda but it still sounds fun.)
Well that is all I have been up to this week. I hope you all are doing well! Love ya!
first one!
So I am obsessed with checking out Vanessa Blog and now Angie and Dan are up and I am there all the time. (Like at least once a day in class.) I loved how I was able to feel like I was still connected with them even though I am so far away, so I decided to start my own for you all!
I will try and remember to add stuff, but at the moment I can’t see forgetting, I just may not have time.
So what is new with me you may be asking.
Well I started off the school year in the Hospital (again). Mom and I thought I was having an appendix(sp?) attack, but it was just another cysts and it broke up and went away so they let me out after a day and a half of observations.
So then I started school nothing to neat happened but then guess what? I sprained my ankle on Thursday night. Yep So I was on crutches for a few days. I am still sore but getting better. It is kind of annoying because I am at a school where the drinking is really bad everyone asks if I was drunk… No I was not for the record.
Well we are official in homecoming week here are DSU and I am excited. I am an officer of a business club on campus called SIFE (students in free enterprise), and we have to do a homecoming float. (for a real parade down town like Poway Days) and our schools theme for homecoming week is “cowboy up” yea strange but for SIFE our float theme is going to be “She thinks my tractor is sexy” we are going to be playing the song and have a john Deer riding mower on a trailer and some guy “driving” it and girls all trying to get his attention. I can’t wait it will be so much fun. I will be sure to add pictures as soon as I learn how.
Well I think I have said enough for now. I will write more when I have more to tell.