Random Summer Picts I just got
Hey everyone!
So I just got some great pictures from Debbie from this summer and I could not resest to post them so here they are!

here am I and one of my best girlfriends Angelina on her wedding day, I love this picture, minuse my burn lines but it is ok we are going to try and photo shop them out. he he

here is the whole wedding party I just love our dresses, I acdently deleated the one of me being escorted in Oops I am kind of mad at my self over this one...

Ok I love this picture Angelina and Jason got engaged on the beach so I think this is perfict and besides the beach is liek there little special place to get awayfrom the real world.

ok I know it is random but I love this picture, well I loved the day, I got to help out with one of the local churches and we took the middle school students to a water park it was such a blast, but you know I never in my life felt old till that day when I told them I had known Ang. sense we were there age, some were excited by the idea others thought I was old! Me at 22?! Old?! who would have guessed?!
Ok so that is all for my random post, I really should get back to my Statitics project... blah 15 pages down 3 to go, (why are the last few always the hardest?) hope all is well with you all! Love ya!
random thoughts by Jen
So as you can tell I have my computer back up and running. It was a minor problem thank goodness.
I have been mostly doing homework and midterms, which is super crazy that it is time for midterms again but it is.
So I don’t have much to write but I have a super funny picture I though you all would like. This is a picture of my aunt’s cat Snikers. She is really potty training him and it is working.

Oh yea! One of my friends e-mailed me this web sight it is so neat the pictures are so pretty. I have one of the reflection pool at Balboa park as my desktop. You guys this picture sight is so neat, the quality of the picture is so amazing. You can zoom way in and not lose that much quality. Here is the sight http://www.gigapxl.org/gallery.htm
Well I should go I just wanted to add something but did not have anything to new to add so it is all random, but then again my whole life is random.
I love you all!
Christmas Plans
Guess what?! I forgot to tell you all about my Christmas plans! I will be in CA for a week, with Chris. We are both Super excited we will get in on the 20th and leave the 27th. I know not long but he has a job and can't miss that much work.
Oh, Oh also! I may have an internship starting in the next 2 weeks! You guys this would be a huge answer to prayer! See I need to take 12 credits to be full time so my loans don’t go into repayment, and so I can use finical aid for my classes, but there are only 3 classes I needed for next semester (all the rest are only offered in fall) SO I have been praying about doing an internship for 3 credits, that would mean I would have to put in 360 hours in order to complete the internship. Meaning I would most likely have to take an incomplete and finish over the summer (if I wait till spring to start like most do) but a friend of mine called me yesterday and He may have a position for me! Doing finical management, I know some of you are questioning my thinking about know (Jen you failed finance the first time remember?!) I know but Mike said he would train me. I am not sure what I am going to do still so if you could join me in prayer about this I would love you forever! (Not that I don't love you all already!)
Homecomming Pictures

Here is Dave. This is how we pulled the mover to town, Well not with Dave on it of corse. I know the bungie cords are not that safe. Oh Well to late now.

Here is the Back of our floate. Durring the parade we used a big pickup truck. With "She thinks my tractor is sexy" writen across the back window.

Here is our flote finished. I like how the girls set up the grass in front so it looks like we are mowing. Dave rode on the mower durring the parade with Lisa (the girl in Blue in this picture.)